- Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash is a pulmonologist with 12+ experience in Interventional Pulmonary Medicine.
- He has published on various topics in national and international journals.
- Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash has graduated from MGM, Medical College, Jamshedpur.
- He is a member of the National College of chest physician (NCCP), European Respiratory Society (ERS), Indian Sleep Disorder Association (ISDA), Indian Chest Society (ICS), National Academy of Medical Sciences, and The Indian College of Allergy, Asthma, and Applied Immunology.
- He has the fellowship of the American college of chest physician (FCCP, USA) and of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (FAPSR).
Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash
- Pulmonologist
- Consultant DNB, Diploma, MBBS,11 years of experience
- Medanta - The Medicity Hospital
- Gurgaon, India

Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash
- Pulmonologist
- Consultant DNB, Diploma, MBBS,11 years of experience
- Medanta - The Medicity Hospital
- Gurgaon, India
Profile (Overview)
- Interventional Pulmonology Respiratory Allergy Sleep Medicine Tuberculosis Chest Diseases
Work Experience of Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash
- Consultant, Medanta- The medicity, Gurgaon
- DNB, 2014, Diplomate of National Board
- Diploma, 2009, Patel Chest
- MBBS, 2004, MGM, Medical College, Jamshedpur
Paper Published
- Dr. Ashish has published on the following topics-
- Bullet in the tracheobronchial tree without lung contusion removed by fibreoptic bronchoscopy in two parts.
- Comparison of clinical and cost-effectiveness of two strategies using mobile digital x-ray to detect pulmonary tuberculosis in rural India.
- The clinical utility of the cycle of the threshold value of GeneXpert MTB/RIF (CBNAAT) and its diagnostic accuracy in pulmonary and extra-pulmonary samples at a tertiary care center in India.
- A case of Sirolimus induced interstitial lung disease after liver transplantation.
- Cycle threshold (Ct)-relevance in culture growth.
- GENE-XPERT gives early diagnosis in early tuberculosis.
- Syringo-pleural shunt: a rare cause of the recurrent pleural effusion.
- Robotic & VATS lobectomy for aspergilloma – Good clinical outcome with an early surgical referral.
- A Rare Cause of Chyluria and recurrent Chylothorax: Lymphatic Dysplasia Syndrome.
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Dr. Ashish Kumar Prakash
- Consultant DNB, Diploma, MBBS,11 years of experience
- Gurgaon, India
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