- Dr. Randeep Wadhawan is one of the most renowned & coveted surgeons in the field of Bariatric Surgery in India.
- With a thriving experience of over 30+ years, he has performed more than 30,000 laparoscopic surgeries to date.
- Dr. Wadhawan has completed his MBBS & MS (General Surgery) from PGIMS, Rohtak. Following which he has done his fellowship from Chicago, USA.
- Dr. Wadhawan has an experience of more than 1000 MIPH (Minimally invasive procedure for hemorrhoids).
- He is one of the few surgeons in India who are has performed STARR procedure (Stapled Transanal resection of the rectum) for patients of Rectal prolapse.
- He has had the privilege to be a member of the team performing a Lap assisted PCNL for an ectopic Kidney- one of only 10, cases reported in the world in 2005.
- He is an active member of some of the renowned organizations like IAGES – Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons, AMASI – Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, ASI – Association of Surgeons of India, OSSI– Obesity Surgery Society of India, and IFSO– International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, APHS – Asia-Pacific Hernia Society.
- Dr. Randeep Wadhawan has his expertise in Advanced Laparoscopic & complex Gastrointestinal Surgeries, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries, Laparoscopic Urology & Laparoscopy in Pediatric patients.
Dr. Randeep Wadhawan
- Obesity and Bariatric Surgeon
- HOD , MBBS, MS, Fellowship, Fellowship, Fellowship, 30 years of experience
- Manipal Hospital, Dwarka
- Delhi, India

Dr. Randeep Wadhawan
- Obesity and Bariatric Surgeon
- HOD , MBBS, MS, Fellowship, Fellowship, Fellowship, 30 years of experience
- Manipal Hospital, Dwarka
- Delhi, India
Profile (Overview)
- Laparoscopic Bariatric & Metabolic Procedure
- Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Procedure
- Minimally Invasive Ano-rectal surgeries
- Laparoscopic Urology & Laparoscopy in Pediatric patients
Work Experience of Dr. Randeep Wadhawan
- HOD, Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
- Consultant, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
- Consultant, Fortis Le Femme
- Senior Resident, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
- MBBS, PGIMS ,Rohtak
- MS, PGIMS, Rohtak
- Fellowship, Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons
- Fellowship, Fellowship of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
- Fellowship, Fellowship of International College of Surgeons, Chicago, U.S.A
- Dr. Wadhawan video presentations in advanced Laparoscopic procedures and Bariatric surgery have been awarded the best paper award at National conferences.
Paper Published
- Dr. Wadhawan has several national & international publications to his credit .
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy In Indian Population- Our Midterm Results,Fortis Medical Journal, Oct14-Dec14, Volume 7. Issue 04.Randeep Wadhawan, AsimLaharwal,Hemanth Kumar, Muneendra Gupta, Sanjay Verma
- Bowel Injuries In Laparoscopic Gynaecological Surgeries .volume14-3:July 2014.AOGD Bulletin. RandeepWadhawan, Hemanth Kumar.
- Clinical Presentations Of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours. Our experience in their management, Fortis Medical Journal , April – June 2013.RandeepWadhawan, Subrat Raul, MuneendraGupta,SanjayVerma,Hemanth Kumar.
- Tuberculosis In a Surgical Site Infection In a Psoriatic Patient.Pulse2013.Issue 09. ShammaArora ,RandeepWadhawan, Deepak Vohra, NitinDumeer, Ashutosh Awasthi&AbhaSabhikhi.
- A Rare Case of Polyarthritis With Myositis.Indian Journal of Rheumatology 2012 March volume 7:PP.44-45.Anil Abrol. PradipPrajapati,Naval Mendiratta,RandeepWadhawan, Shilajit Bhattacharya, Ashok Kumar.
- Case Report:Excision of carotid body tumour-Surgery of a rare tumour, Fortis Medical Journal.2012 , volume05,page33-35.Sanjay Gupta, Sanjeev Singh, RandeepWadhawan, Muneendra Gupta, Rajesh Chauhan.
- Management of Intestinal Obstruction Following Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy.Journal of Minimal Access Surgery.October – December2012.volume8.issue4.pages 149-151.Randeep Wadhawan, Subrat Raul, Muneendra Gupta, Sanjay Verma.
- He has presented paper on Revision Bariatric Surgery at the IFSO-Asia Pacific Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Congress at Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
- He has presented papers at the 38th World Congress of International College of Surgeons in Brisbane , Australia.

Dr. Randeep Wadhawan
Obesity and Bariatric Surgeon
- HOD , MBBS, MS, Fellowship, Fellowship, Fellowship, 30 years of experience
- Delhi, India
About Doctor
List of Treatments
- Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Gastric Banding Surgery
- Duodenal Switch
- Gastric Sleeve Surgery
- laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion
Work Experience of Dr. Randeep Wadhawan
Paper Published
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